Okay so most of you know I'm not the emotional mom on the first day of school. Alan started First Grade today and today was DIFFERENT!! I don't know why it was so hard to hold back the tears as the school bus pulled away. I suspect it had something to do with the fact he was riding the bus and I wasn't leaving him in a classroom with a smiling teacher and lots of new friends. Another part of it was knowing he was going to a bare walled classroom with a SUBSTITUTE teacher until they hire a full time teacher for his class.
It's a good thing we were early to get to the bus stop. The bus came a full 10 minutes early!!
Waiting for the school bus |
Waiting on the correct side of the street |
The bus is here!!
Joey ran right for the doors trying to get on the bus and was quite upset he didn't get to ride. He kept saying "I go school, I go school"
This is a picture of the school taken from our driveway! |
A picture of the school close up |
Our school only goes half day on EVERY Wednesday so the morning went incredibly fast. I had to take Eddie to Kindergarten for academic assessments which he did very well on according to his newly hired teacher. They hired her yesterday afternoon. This will be her first year teaching, but she is amazing prepared and has an AMAZING teacher assistant in the class!! We LOVE her already.
Eddie and Mrs. Martinez |
When we finished at the school Eddie, Joey and I ran 2 errands and it was time to go home and walk to the bus stop to pick up Alan. When the bus stopped the driver opened the door and told me she didn't know where is was and he didn't get on the bus. (Pause here for stopped breathing) I grabbed Joey's hand and told Eddie to Come on as we power walked toward the house. I grabbed my cell phone and called the school to see if he was waiting in the office. They couldn't find him. I told them I was on my way to the school. Got the boys loaded in the van and as we were leaving the neighborhood the bus driver was coming back (she had a couple kids she had to drop off) to see if she could find him in case he got off at the wrong stop. Then my cell phone rings and it was a very friendly neighbor explaining to me that Alan got off the bus with her children down the street and she was walking him to our house. Praise the Lord I was prepared and had a note card with Alan's name, classroom number, bus number and correct bus stop, our address and phone numbers!! I turned around and they were a block away from our house. Alan got in the van explaining he knew the name of the street he lives on and got off on that stop knowing he could get himself home from there. He didn't remember there was a bus stop much closer to our house on a different street and didn't realize he shouldn't get off the bus if I wasn't at the stop. It's crystal clear that Mommy or Daddy will ALWAYS be at the stop and if there isn't a grown up he knows at the bus stop he is to stay on the bus and ride back to school!!! I called the school to let them know he got off at the wrong stop and was safe at home. The principal now totally knows my name between BOTH kids being in classes without hired teachers on meet the teacher day last week, Alan's class going from a 1st/2nd grade combo back to a regular 1st grade without a hired teacher yet, and a lost child on the first day of school we have talked SEVERAL times in the last couple days!!
Daniel made it home from a TDY in Salt Lake City this afternoon and after the day I had we decided we should go out for dinner to celebrate the first day of school!! We took the kids to their new favorite, Red Robin because Wednesday is KIDS night!! They have the Red Robbin mascot there, face painting, balloon animals, and FREE ice cream with every kids meal. They were even kind enough to substitute apple crisp for Eddie's ice cream because of his dairy allergy :) It was very nice to be able to end the day on a very relaxing and HAPPY note!!