The cruise was a BLAST!! It's family oriented and jam packed with activities for the kids. They start off in the red circle on the main deck for a safety talk about running and all the normal safety stuff. Then they give them all squirt guns and anyone on the main deck is fair game for the water gun fight.
Then they have the kids swab the deck with child size mops.
Then they take them into the dungeon to tell them a story about a treasure buried at sea. When they come up from the dungeon we all have to look for the "X" bouy. Then one of the pirate crew gets them all lined up with a rope and they have to pull the chest up out of the water. Everyone gets some of the treasure to take home.
One of the last activities was getting pirate tatoos. Here is Alan aka Captain Bones showing his off.
We were even lucky enough to see dolphins while on the cruise. Here is the birthday cake made by yours truly and the cupcakes for Alan's classmates.
Here are some birthday video clips and there are lots more pictures posted on my picasa page in the 2009 August folder