This was the view from our front yard on Halloween morning. We headed out bright and early to attend the Halloween party at Alan's school. The kids, including Eddie, got into their costumes and we paraded around from classroom to classroom and office to office trick or treating. Eddie could hardly stand on his own two feet by the time we were done. Here is a picture of Ms. Young helping him down the stairs.
Joey got tuckered out as well. He is wearing a little pumpkin sleeper that Aunt Kathy gave me while I was in Greenbay. Her daughters, Laura and Sara wore it over 20 year ago!!!
Here are the 3 Saucer boys with Alan's teachers, Ms. Young and Ms. Powell.
Here is a picture of the whole class.
I took the boys trick or treating by myself (Daniel was TDY) and we got way too much candy. I think Mommy will have to help them eat it all!! They had a blast and slept like rocks :P