Well, a few weeks ago I lost my mind. There was a post to one of my message boards about a really great price on my favorite scrapbooking adhesive, but you had to order $1,000 worth to get it. Someone had suggested a group order so you guessed it I volunteered to organzie it!!! Well needless to say I had to cut it off when the order hit $5,000 plus shipping expenses. I am amazed at how fast people responded and can't even tell you how many emails I received and responded too. I am happy to report that the order arrived yesterday and today and as of now the boxes for those who have already paid me are packaged, addressed and waiting in the van to go to the post office tomorrow afternoon. Daniel has been very understanding in all this and even loaded them into the van for me!!! Alan thought today was Christmas with all the empty boxes and I got a couple video clips and will post them below.