Mama’s Holiday Wish List Meme TodaysMama and GameStop are giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter I’m sharing this meme with you. 1. What is your holiday wish for your family? for safe travels for all the family members traveling to our house this year :) 2. What is your Christmas morning / Hanukkah Nightly tradition? Trying to capture the moment the kids see the tree with all the presents on video then a late morning nap. 3. If you could ask Santa for one, completely decadent wish for yourself, what would it be? Family Christmas at Disney World 4. How do you make the holidays special without spending any money? Advent Calendar and Advent candles. 5. What games did you play with your family growing up? Rummy and Sequence 6. What holiday tradition have you carried on from your own childhood? having the children sing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer on video 7. Where would you go for a Christmas/Hanukkah-away-from-home trip? Disney World...