This holiday weekend was originally an no plans, just chill, and get some things done around the house weekend. Well on Tuesday Eddie got sick and threw up all day, then on Thursday Alan took his turn and on Friday it was my turn. Needless to say those of you who know my medical history, my body doesn't react to this well so by 9:30pm Friday night we realized I lost 4 lbs in 2 days and the nurse sent us to the ER. The ER on a holiday weekend is very interesting. We had to wait forever to be seen by the doctor who determined I needed IV fluids to rehydrate as well as some wonderful anti-nausea drugs. Labwork also showed a bladder infection so we got some good antibiotics to boot. The boys were way over tired so after they got me in the back Daniel took them home and waited for me to call for a ride. When the first bag of fluids was finished I buzzed the nurse to come change the bag. Well I didn't hear back for awhile, but did hear some severe screaming and swearing follo...