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Showing posts from October, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend we did our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch in Clanton, AL. It was so fun when we lived close and it's worth the 200+ mile drive to keep the family tradition. We had perfect weather, sunny and 72. The boys had a blast climbing on the huge pumpkins, riding in the hay wagon (Joey couldn't take his eyes off those huge tractor tires), picking out a pumpking with Daddy, and the best part is always jumping in the hay mound!!! Here are a couple video clips from the trip and I have a whole album called 2008_Pumpkin Patch and Carving on our Picasa page. Just click the link to the New Saucer Family Website on the left to see all the pictures. We stopped at the new Bass Pro Shop in Prattville to take a look around. Joey is taking a few steps on his own, but boy can he shoot right up the stairs. He was in heaven climbing!!

Hair Cuts

Yesterday after school I decided to get Alan and Eddie's haircut since we had a couple other errands on the base and they were WAY past due for one. They climbed right in the chairs next to each other like pros and the ladies flirted with Joey between guard changes. Joey was getting fussy in the stroller so I unbuckled him and put him in an empty barber chair next to Eddie. The lady cutting Eddie's hair was really connecting with him and he sat and watched her every move. When Eddie was done she asked if she was sure I didn't want her to cut Joey's hair. I thought for a second and decided his hair was WAY shaggy and sometimes all the fuss with the camera can make things worse. I took the plunge and he sat so incredibly nice for the first half. Then Alan just walked over and got him a sucker. This was an AMAZING treat as he's never had one and he was happy as a lark while she finished his hair cut. Here are the final results taken when we got home. Alan als

Stampin' Up Holiday Place Settings

The CEO of Stampin' Up, Shelly Gardner, appeared on the local news in Utah to share some great holiday place settings. Here is the video from her appearence. You can find instructions and more specifics on the news website Contact me today to find out how to get the supplies you'll need for these great projects!!!

Eddie and Elmo

Eddie won 2 FREE tickets to see Elmo and Sesame Street Live at one of the kids nights they have at Chik Fil A. We decided that this would be a special Eddie and Mommy date. The show was last weekend and we went with my friend Missy and her little girl, Emily. They had a great time. I posted the still pictures to the New Saucer Family website link in the 2008_October folder. Here are some video clips from the show.

Joey's First Steps

Joey is taking more and more steps each day. Here are some short video clips of his progress. The first one is from Grandma's visit in August and the other two are from 2 days ago. Here are a few more random video clips of Joey this summer you might enjoy. Joey thinks the refridgerator is super fun to play in!! Joey LOVES the water. Here he's swimming at Missy's grandmother's house in Alabama. Joey isn't scared of anything. Here he thinks he's a rock and roll star standing in he rocking chair with his brother's wiggles guitar!! Cruisin' Sharing lunch with Big Brother Eddie??

Gramps at the Beach video clips

Well Gramps and Mary are staying at the beach this week so here are a couple beach videos for you to enjoy. I'll start with my favorite of Joey on his new sand diet. Playing Frisbee at Schooners where they serve kids meals on frisbees instead of plates. Playing in the water after school today.

I'm Floored!!!

  Here is our new living room floor. Daniel has been hard at work all week and we just have a small hallway and corner rounds to finish the project. Hopefully it will all be finished by bedtime tomorrow!!!